Paradise City – the best email newsletter in our Greater Birmingham!

There are too many negative satirical and cynical voices in Birmingham – join us to celebrate the wow, the positive, the top choices we’ve all made to be in the global city with the big heart of England!

With all the new developments we’re being involved with, with all the independence our council, the hyperlocal media in partnership with the Post and Mail, and various quasi non-governmental organisations are supporting, with all the impact we can have when we come together — we live in Paradise. And we get great cake! LOL.

Sign up now for Paradise City – the weakly freemium email that is always first with the big cultural news!

Wow, Birmingham!

We’ll never spam you, sell your email address, or ever bother to send an issue, probably.

Paradise City - Super, smashing, Greater Birmingham!

See an sample issue:

Dear Brilliant Brummie, 

We know you’re smart, discerning, and wonderful — or you wouldn’t be subscribed to the Paradise City freemium email newsletter about Brilliant Birmingham — but can you tell the difference between shopping in the high street chains and shopping in our wonderful independent Birmingham, B-Town, stores?

It’s the new trend in Brum, Bham, to open wonderful, independent CHAIN STORES — and it’s a first that’s having a wonderful impact and driving those bloody hipsters up from #THAT #LONDON. We spoke to new Brilliant Brummie Arnnie Wallbanger, who’s given up a career as a social marketing executive to come to Brum, Birmingham to be opening a number of —get this — artisan pound shops. Yes, everything’s a pounds — and it’s all handmade.

“B-Town just attracted me to Birmingham — it’s so small and friendly. I especially like the nut centre in the indoor market.” said Arnnie. “I really dig street food, and those nuts taste of gravel.”

Support Arnnie at his Kickstarter!

Let’s get to Arnie’s first opening — and there’s a private view party for subscribers — at Selfridges  (they don’t even sell fridges, wacky! apart from the ones they have in the electrical goods section, amazing).

Nostalgia corner!


Remember Snobs, eh? Carpets! 50p shots! Insanitary floor coverings! Did it have a carpets or tiles, or even linoleum, to tell you the truth we can’t remember.

Maybe it was laminate flooring.

It was certainly sticky. Maybe that was something dirty. Oh, man the past was truly a foreign country — except the bits in BRUM! Brilliant!

Bulls hit!

in joke in alt text

Have you noticed a lot more cow around Birmingham, Brum, B-Town? 

It’s amazing art, grassroots and it gives us the horn. There are going to be lots of dressed up Bully the Birmingham Bull statues all around Birmingham — each styled by one of our super local Birmingham artists!

Cud beef massive (sorry)! Support the Kickstarter!

It’s a jolly holiday with MARY!

MARY is Multiple Author Reading Year, and it’s a way for writers to support content producers to get flights and holidays or ‘research trips’. Can you write this next week for free when we’re off to Texas?

New buildings are great!

Birmingham is booming, 2015 is our year. So says our lord and master at the GBSLEP. New economic zones are the best. Support the Kickstarter, buy becoming an uncritical supporter of capitalism.

And we’re off for a bit of pulled pork, inDigbeth (hem-hem)! 

See you down the latest artisan speakeasy in Birmingham, B-Town!

And join us on our Facebook page where the comments only descend  into racist remarks about ‘the muslins’ after at least five comments blindly supporting capital’s latest bit of recuperated hipster idealism. Get Involved!


Paradise City - Super, smashing, Greater Birmingham!


Author: Howard Wilkinson

Director of Satire, Paradise Circus. Howard adds stability at the top, taking a strategic overview of operations whilst also stepping in from time to time in a caretaker author role.

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