4 defaced Birmingham road signs that won’t surprise you, and then some undefaced ones that might

It’s a cliché, but one of the best things about Birmingham is this sign:

And we salute the indefatigability of the young scamps that keep it going.

Some don’t put the effort in, but scrape a pass:

Some try but fail:

Hey, we’re all in the gutter but some of us are looking at a road sign that can be made to look a bit rude.

But, in general, kids today just can’t be bothered. They’re probably too brainwashed with that aggressive Islamist agenda they have in school these days. Where’s the next Banksy going to come from?

Come on, it’s easy.

Pop off to Rymans and get some tippex and a marker…

Wait for twilight…

And let your teenaged mind flow…

We’d like to see more good work, please hit us up in the comments or on Twitter: @paradisecircus.

Author: Howard Wilkinson

Director of Satire, Paradise Circus. Howard adds stability at the top, taking a strategic overview of operations whilst also stepping in from time to time in a caretaker author role.

2 thoughts on “4 defaced Birmingham road signs that won’t surprise you, and then some undefaced ones that might”

  1. Dogpool Lane has the same amount of comedy value if you say it quickly enough….also, is it just me or does this topic of defaced and slightly rude road signs bring to mind the “Shilbottle” routine from Solihull’s very own Stewart Lee (as per series 3/episode 1 of his BBC2 ‘Comedy Vehicle’)?

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